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2011/04/12 06:00


前不久有「非洲溫暖之心」(The Warm Heart of Africa)美名的馬拉威共和國(Republic of Malawi),兩資深司法官員爭辯是否該制定公眾場所放屁的禁令(public farting ban)以推展公眾合宜禮節(public decency)。這則新聞讓人聯想起世界各地互異的風俗文化,有許多旅遊禁忌(travel taboos)是遊客必須知曉的,以免無心冒犯。

一個okay手勢,也就是拇指(thumb)與食指(forefinger/index finger)連結成一個圈,在大多數國家如美國(America)是一表示「同意」、「批准」與「認可」之正面象徵(a positive sign for agreement, approval, and acceptance),但在巴西(Brazil)卻是一冒犯的手勢(an offensive gesture),此外在土耳其(Turkey)、委內瑞拉(Venezula)亦頗具負面含意,而在南法,則代表零或無價值的(zero or worthless)。

慣用左手的人(left-hander)注意囉!在印度、尼泊爾、土耳其和摩洛哥左手被視為不潔的,舉凡許多場合:飲食、握手、打招呼、揮別,或付錢和遞物時,避免使用左手(In India, Nepal, Turkey, and Morocco, the left hand is considered unclean, so avoid using it in many occasions like eating, shaking hands, greeting, waving good-bye, or handing over money and things, etc.)。

舉起食指與中指並分開,其餘手指緊握的V字形手勢,可代表「二」、「勝利」、或「和平」 (The V sign, a gesture in which the forefinger and middle finger are raised and separated, while the other fingers are held, can mean “two”, “victory”, or “peace”. )。通常比這手勢時,手掌(palm)是向外的(outward.),若是反向V字形手勢,即手掌向內(inward),在澳洲、紐西蘭、南非,英國與愛爾蘭則是藐視與羞辱的手勢(The reverse V sign is a gesture of defiance and an insult in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the UK and Ireland)。

在一些國家如希臘、保加利亞和斯里蘭卡,點頭實際代表「不」,搖頭代表「是」(In some countries such as Greece, Bulgaria and Sri Lanka, nodding the head actually means “no”, while shaking the head means “yes”.)。


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