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2013/04/09 06:00


問路時聽到這些表達均指直走:「Go straight(ahead/on)./It’s straight ahead.」。例句:「直走到路盡頭,紀念碑就在你左方」(Go straight to the end of the road, and the monument is on your left.)。

「The museum is two blocks away./Walk for two blocks, and you’ll find the museum.」─指示距離這兒兩條街/走兩條街就看到博物館,若附加:「You won’t miss it.」,給問路者打包票不會錯過目標。

然而「You’ve come the wrong way.」就走錯路啦!別慌,對方會報路給你如:「往回走兩街區即看到博物館」(Go two blocks back, and you’ll find the museum.)。

問及非當地人而無所適從,對方建議另問他人:「Sorry, I don’t live around here./I’m a stranger here./I don’t live in this neighborhood. I think you’d better ask someone else./I’m afraid you have to ask someone else.」。

最後此段對話意即B回應問路的A走到XXX大道的科博館右轉,圖書館旁白色建築即市政廳/府:A:「Excuse me, I’m lost. Could you tell me where the City Hall is?」B:「The City Hall is easy to find. Just go to the Science Museum on XXX Avenue and turn right. The City Hall is a white building next to the library.」。A:「Thank you.」。


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