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當你在餐廳,等候到的餐點卻非自己所點選的,此時該吃,還是不該吃(to eat or not to eat)?有些顧客為了不想繼續等候,或不願給侍者添增麻煩,將錯就錯接受了被誤送的餐點,然而大多時候顧客通常會退回去。
若為後者可說:「這不是我點的菜」;「我沒有點這道菜」;「你送錯桌了」(This is not what I ordered./I didn't order this (dish)./I'm afraid that you've come to the wrong table.);或者告訴侍者:「這是別人點的菜吧」(This is someone else's order, isn't it?/Isn't this someone else's order?);再不然附加說明所點的菜,如牛排(This isn't mine. I ordered steak.)。
此外,久候不到點的菜,可提醒侍者:「我點的菜還沒來」(My order hasn't come yet.)。
在餐廳不小心將餐具,如刀、叉、匙、餐巾,或餐巾掉落地上,或發現餐具不潔淨,可請求侍者重新拿來:「Excuse me, could you bring me/could I have another knife/fork/spoon/napkin/serviette, please? I dropped it on the floor./This one is not clean.」。
桌上若無如鹽巴或胡椒等的調味品,可請侍者幫忙:「Could/Would/Can you bring me the salt/pepper, please?」;萬一水喝完需添加則說:「I'm out of water. May I have some more(water), please?」