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2011/07/05 06:00


見到餐廳門口標示:「Please wait to be seated.」,縱然如熊一般餓(as hungry as a bear),稍安勿躁,「請等候安排就座」。男或女服務生(waiter/waitress)帶領入座後,想看菜單可說:「Please bring me the menu./Can I see the menu?」服務生問:「想喝點甚麼?」(Can I get you something to drink?/Would you like something to drink?),要點啤酒或一杯餐廳招牌/特色酒回答:「I’d like a beer./I’d like a glass of house wine.」

一會兒聽到:「Have you decided what you’d like?/May I have your order, please?/Can I take your order?/May I take you order?/Are you ready to order?」均指「準備好要點菜了嗎?」欲知當天特色菜可問:「What’s the special of the day?/What’s today’s special?」餐廳招牌菜是啥「What’s the speciality of the restaurant?」或乾脆請服務生推薦:「What would you recommend/suggest?」

點菜可套用I’ll have….或I’d like….用語,例如要點一份牛排:「I’ll have/I’d like a steak.」,此時服務生通常接著問要幾分熟:「How would you like your steak done? How would you like your steak served?」

牛排熟度分:雙面微煎,內部通常是冷的,約一分熟(seared/very rare/blue rare);雙面過火,鎖住血水,微溫的兩分熟(rare);無特別指定,一般牛排館標準的三分熟(medium rare)為六七成粉紅、最中心暗紅、中間溫熱;五分熟(medium)則外灰棕,中間熱的、紅色,周圍粉紅;周圍呈淡粉紅的七、八分熟(medium well done)到全熟(well-done)。想要全熟就說:「I’ll have my steak well-done.」

餐畢要買單說:「Could I have the check?/May I have the check, please?/Check, please.」欲建議朋友分開付賬:「Let’s go Dutch.」,然後對服務生說分開買單:「Separate check, please.」


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