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2013/04/02 06:00


迷路了,鼓起勇氣問路,繼之而來即為理解指引方向(giving directions)的考驗。首先,「東、西、南、北」為「east, west, south, north」。聽到:「This way is east.」表示此方向為東方。

至於「左、右」呢?例句:「AAA酒吧在這條路上的左邊」(The AAA pub is on the left/on the left-hand side of the street.);「BBB健身中心在你右手邊」(The BBB Fitness Center is on your right.);而「向左/右轉」是「Turn left/right/Take a left/right turn」。

接續例句說明常用回答位置用語:「自助洗衣店在學校前面」(The Laundromat is in front of the school.);「便利商店在加油站後面」(The convenience store is behind the gas station.);「郵局就在銀行旁邊」(The post office is just next to the bank.)。又,「電影院在麵包店對面」(The movie theater is across from/opposite the bakery.);「ABC飯店在公車站與購物中心之間」(The ABC Hotel is between the bus station and the shopping center.)。

還有「超市在餐廳的轉角」(The supermarket is around/on the corner of the restaurant.);「美髮沙龍在右/左邊轉角」(The hair salon is on the right/left corner.)。


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