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2010/10/19 06:00



首先謹記開放時間(opening hours/opening times),若不知閉館時間可問:Excuse me. What time does the museum close?票價(admission price/fee)有普通票(regular ticket)、團體票(group ticket)、優待票(discount ticket)。若要知道成人票/學生票多少錢時可問:How much is the admission fee for an adult/a student?當然也有免費入館(Admission is free./ The Museum is free to all visitors.),或某些日子是免費的。

館內服務台(information desk)除為失物招領處(lost and found),有些更提供輪椅(wheelchair)、摺疊式嬰兒車(stroller)等租借,訪客押身分證件通常可免費使用。

參觀展覽(exhibition)與收藏(collection)時,租用語音導覽服務(audio tour service),戴著雙耳式耳機(headsets),自行調整參觀速度。遊客得遵守參訪規則(visiting rules),不確定哪些限制(restriction)與禁止(prohibition)事項宜請教館員。例如,我是否可在本館拍照?允許館內錄影嗎?Am I allowed to take pictures here?/Is video recording permitted inside the museum?即使可拍照,但有此告示:The use of flash is prohibited.(禁用閃光燈)。

最後,不妨走逛禮品店(gift shop),從一系列與作品相關的複製品(reproduction)中選購喜愛的紀念品(souvenir),畫下完美句點。


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