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2012/08/21 06:00


聊到人口(population)話題,對方說:「There are approximately two point seven million residents in the city of XXX.」,究竟多少人?其實此「point」是小數點(decimal point),該都市約2.7百萬(270萬)居民。

試試以下帶有小數(decimal)的數字「12.3456」和「24.273」如何表達?答案是:「twelve point three four five six」和 「twenty-four point two seven three」。又,美元$3.56為three dollars (and) fifty-six cents,或簡易讀法:three / fifty six。

若帶有零(naught/zero英式/美式)的小數如0.5或0.06呢?那就是(naught) point five或(naught) point naught six。小數點前的naught亦可省略,但後面的需保留。

至於下列分數又該如何以英文表示呢(How do you say these fractions in English)? 1/2和1/4為:a/one half和a/one quarter,其餘依規則:分子以基數(cardinal number),分母以序數(ordinal number)表示,例如:1/3=one third/one-third,1/4又可說one fourth,1/5=one fifth (中間亦可加上連字號)。

分子若為2或大於2,記住在分母的序數後面加「s」,如:2/3=two thirds,3/4= three quarters(或three fourths),4/5=four fifths。

10以上的兩位數,可更簡易表達:17/30=seventeen over thirty,也就是17在30的上方。

若是1又1/2,3又2/3,8又4/5則說「one and a half」,「three and two-thirds」,「eight and four-fifths」。


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