何謂「序數」(ordinal number)?亦即在基數(cardinal number)後加th,如第四(4th: fourth),例外有第一,二,三,五,八,九,十二(1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th,12th:first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth)。
第二十一至二十三(21st, 22nd, 23rd:twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third)。第二十四至二十九(24th~29th:twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, …twenty-ninth)。逢十之第二十至九十則「去y加ieth」(20th…90th: twentieth,…ninetieth)。
使用序數時加定冠詞the或所有格,如:「在英國首日,我們從容不迫探索了倫敦」(On the first day in the UK, we explored London at leisure.) ;「我們的首站為倫敦塔」(Our first stop was the Tower of London.)。省略時,序數作副詞用,如:「我們先參觀了倫敦塔」(We visited the Tower of London first.)。
序數與基數並存,序數在前,如:「他們計畫蜜月的第一、二週在歐洲度假」(They plan to have their honeymoon in Europe for the first two weeks.)。
另與序數相關如:亨利八世(Henry VIII),讀成Henry the Eighth。第一、二次世界大戰, The First World War,The Second World War,或說World War One,World War Two。樓層、生日與日期:「我們的房間在3樓」(Our room is on the third floor.);「今天是Sandy的20歲生日」(Today is Sandy’s twentieth birthday.);「John的生日在4月3日」(John’s birthday is on April 3或April 3 rd,均讀成April third.)。